Sunday, October 30, 2016

Muhurat Trading Session :30.10.2016

Good Afternoon and Wish You a Happy Muhurat Trading Session ….

Above 8705/08 Nifty Future will face vital resistance at 8748....

Below 8643 Nifty Future will take next support at 8604/02....

          On 8th Sep’16 Nifty Future made high 8994....and on 17th Oct’16 NF made low 8507...correction of 487 points. This is corrective wave. Now question is more correction is dew or complete...vital zone is 8837----8507, below /above this zone will clear the confusion....

        Once NF cross and close above 8837 then will run to hit life time high 9191 (04.03.2015)...

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Kolkata, 16:16 PM. 30.10.2016.