Monday, March 19, 2018

Nifty Future Mantra, 19.03.2018

Good Morning and Wish You a Happy Trading Session ….

If Nifty Future abele to stay above 10196, and start to move upward then first resistance may be 10332/10333......10358......

If Nifty Future breaks 10221 and trade below 10178 then may take next vital support at 10124.....

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Disclaimer: Before investments consult your Investment guide, this is not a recommendation, only to watch.

Mumbai, Monday 19th March’2018, 07: 27 am

Friday, March 16, 2018

Nifty Future Mantra, 16.03.2018

Good Morning and Wish You a Happy Trading Session ….

Vital resistance if the day is 10340.....above 10404 quite possibility of sharp bounce back....

Below 10340/10339 vital support is 10316/314.....crucial support of the day is 10306----10301......If Nifty Future abele to sustain above 10300 then a reversal of 95/96 points is quite possible.

This rally is not a Bull move.....therefore don’t’ be trapped at higher levels....

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Disclaimer: Before investments consult your Investment guide, this is not a recommendation, only to watch.

Mumbai, Friday 16th March’2018, 06: 26 am

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Nifty Future Mantra, 15.03.2018

Good Morning and Wish You a Happy Trading Session ….

Above 10446 next hurdles are 10457....once Nifty Future abele to cross 10457 then only time will be factor when NF will cross 10490-----10552.......

Below 10387 next support is 10370....10353......Once Nifty Future break 10339 then crucial supports zone is 10316---10314---10304........10303....
This rally is not a Bull move.....therefore don’t’ be trapped at higher levels....

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Disclaimer: Before investments consult your Investment guide, this is not a recommendation, only to watch.

Mumbai, Thursday 15th March’2018, 06: 56 am

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Nifty Future Mantra, 14.03.2018

Good Morning and Wish You a Happy Trading Session ….

Above 10462 next hurdles are 10525-----10552.......

Below 10357 crucial supports zone is 10348---10346---10339........ This rally is not a Bull move.....therefore don’t’ be trapped at higher levels....

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Disclaimer: Before investments consult your Investment guide, this is not a recommendation, only to watch.

Mumbai, Wednesday 14th March’2018, 06: 56 am

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Nifty Future Mantra, 13.03.2018

Good Morning and Wish You a Happy Trading Session ….

Above 10447 next hurdles are 10489-----10552.......

First support of the day is 10428..... this rally is not a Bull move.....therefore dont’ be trapped at higher levels....

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Disclaimer: Before investments consult your Investment guide, this is not a recommendation, only to watch.

Mumbai, Tuesday 13th March’2018, 06: 56 am

Monday, March 12, 2018

Nifty Future Mantra, 12.03.2018

Good Morning and Wish You a Happy Trading Session ….

First resistance of the day is 10255....If cross 10271 then very tough hurdles are 10315-----10330......10374....

Below 10181 vital support of the day is 10143.....Single closing below 10121Nifty Future will take crucial support at 10020.....

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Disclaimer: Before investments consult your Investment guide, this is not a recommendation, only to watch.

Mumbai, Monday 12th March’2018, 05: 55 am

Friday, March 09, 2018

Nifty Future Mantra, 09.03.2018

Good Morning and Wish You a Happy Trading Session ….

Above 10282/10285 next vital resistance may be 10296----10300.....

Below recent low 10155 crucial support of the day is 10121......If NF break 10109 and close below the level then another round of PANIC may start..........
In that case Nifty Future may test 9899......

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Disclaimer: Before investments consult your Investment guide, this is not a recommendation, only to watch.

Mumbai, Friday 9th March’2018, 07: 17 am

Thursday, March 08, 2018

Nifty Future Mantra, 08.03.2018

Good Morning and Wish You a Happy Trading Session ….

Above 10209 next resistance may be 10222......If Nifty Future abele to cross 10242(!!!) then may run for 10296.........

Crucial support of the day is 10121......If NF break 10109 then another round of PANIC may start..........
If Nifty Future take U turn from 10121then????? OR if break 10121, then ????

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Disclaimer: Before investments consult your Investment guide, this is not a recommendation, only to watch.

Mumbai, Thursday 8th March’2018, 07: 00 am

Wednesday, March 07, 2018

Nifty Future Mantra, 07.03.2018

Good Morning and Wish You a Happy Trading Session ….

Above 10274 next resistance may be 10304/305......tough hurdle is 10329/10330....

If Nifty Future breaks 10200 smoothly then next support is 10182.....crucial support is 10109......

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Disclaimer: Before investments consult your Investment guide, this is not a recommendation, only to watch.

Mumbai, Wednesday 7th March’2018, 07: 17 am

Tuesday, March 06, 2018

Nifty Future Mantra, 06.03.2018

Good Morning and Wish You a Happy Trading Session ….

Vital resistance zone of the day is 10421.83-----10423.25......If cross 10442/443 and stay for a while then next resistance may be 10534......

Below yesterday’s low (10320) next support is 10211.5.....

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Disclaimer: Before investments consult your Investment guide, this is not a recommendation, only to watch.

Mumbai, Tuesday 6th March’2018, 07: 00 am

Monday, March 05, 2018

Nifty Future Mantra, 05.03.2018

Good Morning and Wish You a Happy Trading Session ….

Below 10388.71 Nifty future will take next support at 10354/52.....Crucial support of this down move is 10260.995(for the time being)....

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Disclaimer: Before investments consult your Investment guide, this is not a recommendation, only to watch.

Mumbai, Monday 5th March’2018, 07: 07 am