Monday, December 24, 2012

Morning Mantra

Good Morning and wish you a happy trading session…

Today above 5863 the vital resistance is 5872/77…………..

Two consecutive closes above  5939 then Nifty Future will spark upto 6002…and more on………6124………… 


Below 5848 the immediate support is 5838/5826……..

And below this 5799 will act as vital support for the day…..

Crucial support is 5776/5756………..

If break this level with volume then we may witness a sharp fall up to 5744/5738(37) within couple of minutes………..

More reversal points for our subscribers only.

Kolkata, West Bengal. 06:36 AM    24 .12.2012

Friday, December 21, 2012

Morning Mantra

Good Morning and wish you a happy trading session…

Yesterday written above 5953 the tough resistance is   5951…..

Nifty Future made high 5949…..

Written about support 5897

Nifty Future made low 5895


Today 5952 will act as tough resistance. If able to cross it then next hurdle is 5963(62)…….After that 5977…….

If able to cross (!) 5977 then Nifty Future will spark upto 6002….and more on………6124(!!!)………… 

Today 5925/27 will act a vital role ……………

Below 5919 the immediate support is 5895/5893……..

If break this level with volume then we may witness a sharp fall up to 5745/44 within couple of hours………..

More reversal points for our subscribers only.

Kolkata, West Bengal. 06:36 AM    21 .12.2012